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Camshaft Position Sensor: Service and Repair

Component Overview:

NOTE: Crankshaft Position / Camshaft (TDC) Sensor are replaced as a complete unit.

1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Remove retaining clips, distributor cap and seal ring.
3. Place an alignment mark on distributor body and engine block, indicating position of distributor body in block or cylinder head. Place No. 1 cylinder to TDC of compression stroke. Place another mark on distributor body indicating position of rotor. Do not use a sharp tool to place alignment marks on distributor body and engine block or cylinder head.

4. Disconnect wiring harness from distributor lead wire.
5. Remove distributor mounting nut, then the distributor assembly from engine.

Distributor Exploded View:

6. Lightly clamp the distributor in a vise equipped with soft jaws.

7. Pull off the rotor from the rotor shaft.
8. Remove the packing rubber.
9. Lift off the cover.

Rotor Shaft Retaining Screw Location Add:

10. Remove the rotor shaft by using a screw driver.
11. Remove the disc and spacer. Observe which side of the disc is the top, for future reassembly.
12. Disconnect the lead wire connector.

13. Lift off the plate and module by removing the mounting screws.
14. Remove the shaft bearing tightening screws.
15. Make a position identification mark on the distributor shaft (for the drive gear, to prevent 180° out of alignment, reassembly).
16. Place the drive gear on a soft base (wooden block) so that it will not be damaged.

Distributor Drive Gear Removal:

17. Drive out the roll pin by using a pin punch.
18. Remove crankshaft position/camshaft (TDC) sensor hold down screws. Replace crankshaft/TDC sensor module.

19. After coating the shaft with a small amount of engine oil, insert the shaft into the distributor housing.

CAUTION: Do not use solvent or similar products.

20. Align the drive gear with the mark made at the time of disassembly, and install the gear to the distributor shaft.
21. When aligning the drive gear's mating mark to the housing's mark, be sure that the notch "A" at the rotor end of the shaft is in the position shown in Fig. 1. If no errors where made in either the marking or alignment procedures the pin holes should align properly. Drive in a new roll pin, insuring that the slit in the pin is at a 90° to the distributor shaft.

Disc Installation Procedure:

22. Install the spacer on the distributor shaft.
23. Insert the disc into the sensor part of the pick up unit assembly insuring the proper alignment with the notch on the spacer.

NOTE: Take care to install the disc with the correct side to the top as was observed during disassembly. Insure that the disc is clean and that the disc's slits are clear of any foreign matter.

24. Install the rotor shaft and its retaining screw.

25. Install the cover so that the cover's indentation "A" is aligned with the housing's notch "B".