Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Suspension - Popping Noise on Smooth Roads

NO.: 02-02-93
GROUP: Suspension
DATE: Mar. 5, 1993

Front Stabilizer Link Rattle Noise


1992-1993 (B8) Colt Vista/Summit Wagon


Customer complaints of a popping noise coming from the front end when driving on normal, smooth road surfaces could be the result of deterioration of the grease on the stabilizer ball joint. This will cause the ball joint bearing to wear and eventually cause a popping noise.

A new shape dust cover for the stabilizer link ball joint was introduced with August, 1992 built vehicles. This cover eliminates the entry of moisture and resultant contamination of the grease.

Current Mopar replacement parts have the new dust cover and should be used.


Prior to replacing any front suspension parts check the stabilizer link dust cover for cracks or signs of deterioration, and the bearing for excessive wear or movement.

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