Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

High HC, Low or Normal CO - at Idle

This condition, at idle, is indicated by abnormally high hydrocarbon emissions while carbon monoxide content remains normal or low.


Electrical misfire Inspect ignition system

Too much spark advance or initial timing Check and adjust timing in
"Adjustment Procedures" in Emissions

Air-Fuel mixture too lean Adjust air/fuel ratio

Vacuum leak Inspect vacuum hoses for
proper routing and damaged lines
Check intake manifold area

EGR at idle (Except Montero) Check EGR system in "Testing
Procedures" in Emissions

Leaking exhaust valves or piston rings Perform compression test and
cylinder leak down test

Idle speed too low Check and adjust idle speed in
"Adjustment Procedures" in Emissions
Check operation of any idle speed
control devices