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Over Voltage Test

NOTE: This test is only for vehicles equipped with an External Electronic Voltage Regulator (EVR).

1. If the voltmeter indicated more than 2.5 volts above base voltage in the no load Test, connect a jumper wire between the regulator base and the alternator frame or housing. Repeat the no load test. Alternator No-Load Test
2. If the over voltage condition disappears, check the ground connections on the alternator, regulator, from the engine to the dash panel, the battery to engine, and all body grounds. Clean and tighten the connections securely.
3. If the over voltage condition still exists, disconnect the wiring plug from the regulator and repeat the no load test. Alternator No-Load Test
4. If the over voltage condition disappears (voltmeter reads base voltage), replace the voltage regulator.
5. If over voltage still exists with the regulator wiring plug disconnected, check for a short between circuits A and F in the wiring harness and service as necessary. Then connect the regulator wiring plug to the regulator.