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Differential Case Removal

NOTE: Before removing the differential case, check the ring gear runout as described under Inspection After Disassembly in the Cleaning and Inspection portion. If ring gear runout exceeds 0.004 inch, the differential case and ring gear must be removed to perform the Differential Runout Check. The Differential Runout Check will isolate the cause of excessive Ring Gear Runout.

Differential Bearing Cap Placement Markings:

1. Mark one differential bearing cap to ensure the caps will be installed in their original positions.

CAUTION: Right and left bearing caps MUST NOT be interchanged.

Differential Bearing Cap Orientation Markings:

2. Loosen the differential bearing cap bolts and bearing caps.

NOTE: The direction of triangles on bearing caps must be noted. When reassembled the triangles must be pointing in the same direction (outboard) as before removal.

Differential Assembly Removal:

3. Pry the differential case, bearing cups and shims out until they are loose in the bearing caps. Remove the bearing caps and remove the differential assembly from the carrier.

CAUTION: When using the pry bar, place a wood block between the pry bar and the axle housing to protect the carrier face from damage.