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Fuel Delivery and Air Induction: Description and Operation

Electronic Fuel Injection:

The Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) system is a multi-point, pulse time, speed density fuel injection system. Fuel is metered into the air intake stream in accordance with engine demand through injectors mounted on a tuned intake manifold.

An Electronic Engine Control computer (EEC-IV) receives signals from various engine sensors and computes the required rate of fuel flow to maintain an optimum air/fuel ratio throughout the entire range of engine operation. The computer then sends a command to the fuel injectors to meter the appropriate quantity of fuel.

The EEC-IV engine control system determines and compensates for changes in altitude (i.e. from sea level to mountains). The system will also automatically compensates for the age of the vehicle and its uniqueness. For manual transmission vehicles it will also permit for push-starting if it becomes necessary.

The fuel delivery system consists of a low pressure in-tank mounted fuel pump, a fuel reservoir and a high pressure, chassis-mounted, electric fuel pump, delivering fuel from the fuel tank through a 20 micron fuel filter to a fuel charging manifold assembly.