Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Using a suitable tool, remove transmission drain plug, then drain transmission fluid.

Removing Top Cover:

2. Remove shift lever and dust boot, then using a suitable tool, remove ten top cover retaining bolts and top cover.
3. Remove nine extension housing retaining bolts.
4. Pry gently at locations provided on extension housing and transmission case, then separate extension housing from transmission case.
5. Lock transmission in 1st and 3rd gears.

Removing Staked Portions Of Output & Countershaft Locknuts:

6. Using countershaft locknut staking tool No. T77J-7025F or equivalent release staked areas securing output shaft and countershaft locknuts.

Removing Countershaft Bearing & Thrust Washer:

7. Using a suitable socket, remove and discard countershaft rear bearing locknut. Remove countershaft bearing and thrust washer.

Removing Output Shaft Locknut:

8. Using mainshaft locknut wrench tool Nos. T88T-7025-A and remover tube T75L-7025-B or equivalents, remove and discard output shaft locknut.
9. Using a suitable tool, remove reverse idler shaft attaching bolt, then the idler gear assembly by pulling rearward.

Removing Output Shaft Rear Bearing:

10. Remove output shaft rear bearing from output shaft, using tool Nos. T75L-7025-B, TOD forcing screw T84T-7025-B, bearing puller T77J-7025-H and puller ring T77J-7025-J or equivalent.
11. Drive reverse gear from output shaft, using a suitable drift, then remove sleeve from output shaft.

Exploded View Of Output And Countershaft Components:

12. Remove counter reverse gear with two needle bearings and reverse synchronizer ring.
13. Remove thrust washer and split washer from countershaft, then using a suitable wrench, remove 5th/reverse shift rod attaching bolt.
14. Remove 5th/reverse synchronizer hub and sleeve assembly, 5th/reverse shift fork and rod as an assembly. Do not separate steel ball and spring unless necessary.
15. Remove 5th gear synchronizer ring.
16. Remove 5th/reverse counter lever lockplate retaining bolt and inner circlip. Remove counter lever assembly from transmission case. Do not remove counter lever pin torx retaining nut.

Removing 5th Gear From Output Shaft:

17. Remove counter 5th gear with needle bearing, then the 5th gear from output shaft using bearing collet sleeve for 3.5 inch bearing collets T75L-7025-G, remover/replacer tube T85T-7025-A, TOD forcing screw T84T-7025-B and gear removal collet T88T-7061-A or equivalents. To facilitate installation, note that the two longer collars on 5th gear face forward.

Remove 5th Gear Sleeve:

18. Remove 5th gear sleeve and Woodruff key as shown in image.

Removing Center Bearing Cover:

19. Using a suitable socket, remove six center bearing retaining bolts, then the center bearing cover. To facilitate installation, note direction of arrow in middle of center bearing cover is upward. Also, note that flanged side of center bearing cover faces inward.

Removing Front Bearing Cover:

20. Using a suitable socket, remove six front bearing cover attaching bolts.

Front Bearing Cover Components:

21. Remove front bearing cover, by threading two of the originally installed retaining bolts into front bearing cover service bolt locations 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions. Alternately tighten bolts until front bearing cover can be lifted away by hand. Remove and discard front bearing cover oil baffle. Bolts threaded into service bolt locations will bottom out and lift front bearing cover away from transmission case. Do not remove plastic scoop ring from input shaft at this time.

Transmission Case Components:

22. Using a suitable socket, remove oil trough retaining bolt, then the oil trough from upper transmission case.
23. Pull input shaft forward and remove input bearing outer race, then pull output shaft rearward.

Removing Output Shaft:

24. Pull input shaft forward, then separate it from output shaft. Incline output shaft upward, then lift from transmission case.
25. Remove input shaft from transmission case, then the countershaft bearing outer races by moving countershaft forward and rearward. Pull countershaft rearward far enough to permit tool clearance behind front countershaft bearing. Using a suitable puller and slide hammer, remove front countershaft bearing.
26. Remove countershaft through upper opening of transmission case.