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Quick Test 5.0 (Engine Running)

The Engine Running Self-Test provides "hard" conditions only. If the Key On Engine Off test indicates no hard conditions, the Engine Running test should always be performed next. It should be noted the E40D transmission fault codes will appear in continuous memory since the system maintains them during drive cycles.

Special considerations for the Engines Running Self-Test include the following:

If a fault code appears on the 'Engine Running" display, a fault is present. Look up the fault on the Service Code Chart to find the corresponding Pinpoint Test (See following pages for Pinpoint Test).

On the 7.3L diesel engine, "50" should appear on the "Engine ID" display. If this does not appear, rerun the test. If the "50" still does not appear, go directly to Pinpoint Test D13. (Article TSB 89-1-16).