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Purge of Dealership Parts Stock

I - Service Part Sold to Customer or Installed on a Vehicle

Review all service and parts sales records to determine if you have installed or sold any of the following parts:

Tube Assembly (Fuel Pump to Fuel Filter)

E6TZ-9C330-A E9TZ-9C330-A
E7TZ-9C330-A E9TZ-9C330-B
Tube Assembly (Fuel Engine Supply & Return)
E6TZ-9J323-G E7TZ-9J338-J
E7TZ-9J338-B E9TZ-9J338-B
E7TZ-9J338-C E9TZ-9J338-D
E7TZ-9J338-H E9TZ-9J338-P

Contact all owners whose vehicles have had such service replacements or who have purchased such parts.

Dealers should arrange a service date with vehicle owners/part purchasers for replacement of the respective fuel tube assemblies. Dealers should also provide a copy of the owner letter to owners/part purchasers.

Vehicle Owners are advised in the owner letter to immediately contact their dealer if they had purchased any fuel line assemblies. Dealers should determine from the part numbers provided if the assemblies should be replaced. Tube assemblies as identified above must be replaced. If the part was installed on a vehicle arrange a service date to have it replaced.

II - Service Stock Within Dealership

Dealers are requested to purge all fuel tube assemblies as identified below. Dealers can return the purged stock for credit to the Warranty Parts Evaluation Centre. Purge the part numbers listed below:


E6TZ-9C330-A Tube Assembly (Fuel Pump to Fuel Filter)
E7TZ-9C330-A Tube Assembly (Fuel Pump to Fuel Filter)
E9TZ-9C330-A Tube Assembly (Fuel Pump to Fuel Filter)
E9TZ-9C330-B Tube Assembly (Fuel Pump to Fuel Filter)
E6TZ-9J323-G Tube Assembly (Fuel Engine Supply)
E7TZ-9J338-B Tube Assembly (Fuel Engine Supply & Return)
E7TZ-9J338-C Tube Assembly (Fuel Engine Supply & Return)
E7TZ-9J338-H Tube Assembly (Fuel Engine Supply & Return)
E7TZ-9J338-J Tube Assembly (Fuel Engine Supply & Return)
E9TZ-9J338-B Tube Assembly (Fuel Engine Supply & Return)
E9TZ-9J338-D Tube Assembly (Fuel Engine Supply & Return)
E9TZ-9J338-P Tube Assembly (Fuel Engine Supply & Return)

All service stock within dealerships must be returned with a completed Form 6125-2 annotated "RETURNED PER INSTRUCTIONS IN SAFETY RECALL 89S76".

Show the appropriate causal part number for the replacing part in the Causal Part No. box and E79 in the Condition Code box.