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Intermediate Servo - With C6

1. Raise vehicle and remove engine rear support-to-crossmember bolt.
2. Remove two crossmember-to-frame attaching bolts, then raise transmission enough to remove weight from crossmember and remove crossmember.
3. Disconnect muffler inlet pipe from exhaust manifolds and let pipe hang.
4. Place drain pan under servo and remove servo cover to transmission case attaching bolts.
5. Remove servo cover, piston, spring, and gasket from case, turning band adjusting screw inward as piston is removed. This ensures there will be enough tension on the band to keep the struts properly engaged in the band end notches while the piston is removed.
6. Apply air pressure to port in servo cover to remove piston and stem.
7. Remove seals from piston and cover.


Intermediate Servo Disassembled:

1. Replace complete piston and rod assembly if piston or piston sealing lips are damaged.
2. Lubricate new seals with transmission fluid, then install in cover and piston.
3. Lubricate piston with transmission fluid and install in cover.
4. Position new gasket on servo cover and spring on piston rod.
5. Insert piston and cover in case. Secure cover with bolts, carefully backing off band adjusting screw while torquing cover bolts to 14-20 ft lbs.

NOTE: Ensure vent tube retaining clip is in place.

6. Connect muffler inlet pipe to exhaust manifolds.
7. Raise transmission high enough to install engine rear support. Secure support to extension housing. Lower transmission as required to install Support-to-crossmember bolt.
8. Remove jack and adjust band.
9. Lower vehicle, then add fluid as necessary.