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Hair Pin Connector

NOTE: Disconnect all push connect fittings from components (sender, fuel filter and base) prior to component removal. The push connect fittings that connect flexible fuel lines to the fuel tank sender cannot be disconnected until the fuel tank is partially lowered just before removing the fuel tank completely.


1. Inspect visible internal portion of fitting for dirt accumulation. If more than a light coating of dust is present, clean the fitting before disassembly.

NOTE: On 90-degree elbow connectors, excessive side loading could break the connector body.

2. Some adhesion between the seals in the fitting and the tubing will occur with time. To separate, twist the fitting on the tube, then push and pull the fitting until it moves freely on the tube.

CAUTION: Do not use any tools.

3. Remove hairpin-type clip from fitting by first bending and breaking the shipping tab. Next, (using hands only) spread the two clip legs about 3.2mm (1/8 inch) each to disengage the body and push the legs into the fitting. Complete removal is accomplished by lightly pulling from the triangular end of the clip and working it clear of the tube and fitting.

4. Grasp the fitting and hose assembly and pull in an axial direction to remove the fitting from the steel tube.

5. After disassembly, inspect and clean tube end sealing surface. Tube end should be free of scratches and corrosion as they result in a path for fuel leakage. Inspect inside of fitting for any internal parts such as O~ring and spacer that may have been dislodged from the fitting. Replace damaged connector; do not repair it.


1. Install a new connector hose assembly if connector was found to be damaged. To install the new clip, insert clip into any two adjacent openings with the triangular portion pointing away from the fitting opening. Install clip to fully engage the body (legs of hairpin clip locked on outside of body). Piloting with an index finger is necessary.

2. Before installing fitting on the tube, wipe tube end with a clean cloth. Inspect the inside of the fitting to ensure it is free of dirt and/or obstructions.

3. To install the fitting onto the tube, align the fitting and tube axially and push the fitting onto the tube end. When the fitting is engaged. a definite click will be heard. Pull on fitting to ensure it is fully engaged. Apply a light coat of engine oil to the tube end to ease assembly.