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F3 Verify Integrity of RABS Valve Connection

- Remove RABS valve connector.

- Inspect RABS valve component connector for contamination or loose terminals.

- Pull gently on Pin 1 (PK/LG) just behind the harness connector.

- Is terminal clean and secure?

YES -- Leave RABS valve harness connector disconnected. Go to F4. F4 Check For Continuity Along Harness Circuit 599

NO -- terminal(s) in component connector are loose, bent, deformed, corroded, or missing. Service terminal on connector as needed. If not serviceable, Replace RABS valve. Go to F7. F7 Clear DTC/Pull DTC

NO -- terminal in harness connector moves back or comes free of connector. Service terminal or connector as needed. Go to F7. F7 Clear DTC/Pull DTC