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Brake Pedal Reserve Check

NOTE: Where a low brake pedal (2455) or the feel of a bottomed-out condition exists, check for brake pedal reserve.

1. Operate engine (6007) at idle with the transmission (7003) in either PARK or NEUTRAL.
2. Depress brake pedal lightly three to four times.
3. Allow 15 seconds for vacuum to replenish power brake booster (2005).
4. Apply brake pedal until it stops moving downward or an increased resistance to the brake pedal travel occurs.

NOTE: This increased resistance may feel like something has bottomed out.

5. Hold brake pedal in applied position and raise the engine speed to approximately 2000 rpm.
6. Release accelerator pedal and shaft (9725) and observe that brake pedal moves downward as engine returns to idle speed.

NOTE: The additional movement of the brake pedal is the result of the increased engine manifold vacuum which exerts more force on the power brake booster during engine rundown. This means that additional stroke is available in the brake master cylinder (2140) and the brake system is not bottoming out as a customer may believe.