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DD30 - Verify Vacuum to EGR Valve

Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) 332 indicates that the EGR Position (EGRP) sensor input did not change after the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) commanded the EGR valve to open.

Possible Causes:

- Damaged EGRP sensor/EGR valve assembly.

- Damaged vacuum line(s).

- Damaged EGR Atmospheric (EGRA) solenoid.

- Damaged EGR Vacuum (EGRV) solenoid.

- Key "OFF".

- Disconnect EGR vacuum hose at the EGR valve.

- Connect a vacuum gauge to the disconnected end of the EGR valve vacuum hose.

- Rerun Key On Engine Running (KOER) Self-Test while observing the vacuum gauge. Key ON Engine Running (KOER) Self-Test

- Is vacuum reading less than 1 in-Hg throughout the KOER Self-Test (ignore all other DTCs)?

Yes -- Remove vacuum gauge. Go to DD31. DD31 - Check EGR Valve Vacuum Hose

No -- Replace the EGRP sensor/EGR valve assembly. Remove vacuum gauge. Reconnect the EGR valve vacuum hose. Rerun quick test. Quick Test Appendix (Detailed Testing Instructions)