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KC5 - Check AIRB and AIRD Solenoids Electrical Operation

- Digital Volt/Ohm Meter (DVOM) on 20 volt scale.

- Enter Output State Diagnostic test mode, refer to Quick Test (Extracting and Clearing Codes)/Output State Diagnostic Test Mode. Output State Diagnostic Test Mode

- Disconnect both Secondary Air Injection Bypass (AIRB) and Secondary Air Injection Diverter (AIRD) solenoids.

- Connect DVOM positive test lead to VPWR circuit and negative test lead to one solenoid vehicle harness connector.

- While observing DVOM, depress and release the throttle several times (to cycle output On and Off).

- Repeat for the other solenoid. Connect positive test lead to VPWR circuit and negative test lead to the solenoid vehicle harness connector.

- Does each solenoid circuit cycle 0.5 volt or greater?

Yes -- Remain in Output State test mode. Reconnect solenoids. Go to KC6. KC6 - Check AIRB and AIRD Solenoids For Internal Vacuum Leaks

No -- Remove jumper. Go to KC10. KC10 - Measure AIRB and AIRD Solenoid Resistance