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KD3 - Check Canister Purge Solenoid For Vacuum Leaks

- Key "ON", engine "OFF".

- Canister Purge (CANP) solenoid disconnected.

- Disconnect vacuum hose at CANP solenoid on manifold vacuum side of CANP solenoid.

- Apply 53 kPa (16 in Hg) of vacuum to manifold vacuum side of CANP solenoid.

- Does CANP solenoid hold vacuum for 20 seconds?

Yes -- Remain in Output State test mode. Leave vacuum pump setup in place. Go to KD4. KD4 - Check Canister Purge Solenoid For Mechanical Operation

No -- Replace CANP solenoid. Rerun quick test. Quick Test Appendix (Detailed Testing Instructions) If symptom is still present, refer to Emission Control Systems/Testing and Inspection.