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EVAP 7 - Check For Canister Purge Solenoid Stuck Closed

Canister Purge Solenoid:

^ CANP solenoid disconnected.

^ Connect CANP solenoid connector to A voltage source (CANP SIG (-) and VAPOR (+)).

^ Apply 53 kPa (16 in Hg) of vacuum to the manifold side of the CANP solenoid with the vacuum pump.

^ Apply 9 to 14 volts DC from the voltage source to the CANP solenoid.

^ Does the solenoid open (releasing the vacuum)?

YES -- Evaporative emission system is functioning properly, go to diagnostic routines. SEE Powertrain Management / Testing and Inspection / Diagnostic Routines.

NO -- Replace CANP solenoid. If driveability symptom is still present, go to diagnostic routines. SEE Powertrain Management / Testing and Inspection / Diagnostic Routines.