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Carrier Bushing Cover Replacement

1. Remove the front drive axle assembly.

2. Position the cover bushing removal tools.
(1) Position Bushing Remover.
(2) Position Bushing Remover/Replacer Cup.
(3) Position Drawbolt.
(4) Thread Bushing Remover Adapter on Drawbolt.

3. Tighten Drawbolt to remove the cover bushing.

1. Position the differential cover bushing and differential cover bushing tools.
(1) Position the differential cover bushing.
(2) Position Bushing Replacer Collet.
(3) Position Bushing Remover/Replacer Cup.
(4) Position Drawbolt.
(5) Position Bushing Replacer Adapter.
(6) Thread Bushing Replacer on Drawbolt.

2. To install the differential cover bushing, tighten Drawbolt until specified gap is reached between the cover ear and bushing flange. Use a feeler gauge to verify the proper gap length.
- Remove the tools.

3. Install the front drive axle assembly.