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Pinpoint Test S: Verification Drive Test (Part 1 Of 2):

Pinpoint Test S: Verification Drive Test (Part 2 Of 2):


This drive test will be used when either of the two conditions listed below exists.

1. Required Service Verification

This drive procedure will be used after all vehicle service. Once a vehicle has been serviced, it is necessary to verify the service by driving the vehicle. This is because the anti-lock electronic control module is unable to detect some system concerns until the vehicle is being driven a certain way. Therefore the drive verification test is a very important step.
2. Symptom Evaluation Drive

When a vehicle is brought to the dealer, the customer might have only a general concern about the way his or her vehicle is braking. In these situations there might not be a clear system concern to troubleshoot. In this type of situation, this drive test is designed to produce common system concern symptoms. Use this drive test to determine a symptom. Once a symptom is found, a symptom troubleshooting procedure can be followed to service the vehicle.


This drive test is designed to be a generic drive test that is used for the three purposes listed below:

- To verify service of the RABS II system on a vehicle
- To attempt to recreate an intermittent concern
- To attempt to detect a symptom when a Diagnostic Trouble Code or a concern symptom is not known