Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Basic Circuit Checks

- Inspect the air cleaner and inlet ducting.
- Check all engine vacuum hoses for damage, leaks, cracks, kinks, proper routing, etc.
- Check EEC system wiring harness for proper connections, bent or broken pins, corrosion, loose wires, proper routing, etc.
- Check the Powertrain Control Module (PCM), sensors and actuators for physical damage.
- Check the engine coolant for proper level and mixture.
- Check the transmission fluid level and quality.
- Make all necessary repairs before continuing with Quick Test.

- Perform ALL safety steps required to start and run vehicle tests. Apply parking brake, place shift lever firmly into PARK position (NEUTRAL on manual transmission), block drive wheels, etc.
- Turn off ALL electrical loads-radios, lights, A/C, blower, fans, etc.
- Start engine and bring up to normal operating temperature before running Quick Test.