Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Test Notes

NOTE: You should enter this pinpoint test only when you have been directed here from diagnostic routines.

To prevent the replacement of good components, be aware that the following non-EEC areas may be at fault:
- Secondary air injection system:
+ Belt
+ Pump
+ Valve
+ Vacuum reservoir
- Base engine:
+ Blocked secondary air injection passages

This pinpoint test is intended to diagnose only the following:
- Secondary Air Injection Bypass (AIRB) solenoid
- Secondary Air Injection Diverter (AIRD) solenoid
- Harness circuits: AIRB/AIRD and VPWR
- Vacuum supply
- Powertrain Control Module (PCM)

The PCM uses the secondary air injection solenoids to control the Secondary Air Injection Bypass/Diverter (AIRB/AIRD) valves or the combination secondary air injection valve. Depending on the vehicle application, the AIRB/AIRD valves direct secondary air to the atmosphere, air intake system, exhaust manifold (upstream) or catalytic converter (downstream).

NOTE: Not all applications are equipped with both AIRB or AIRD solenoids.