Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Emission Control Systems: Service Precautions

As you read through the procedures, you will come across NOTES, CAUTIONS, and WARNINGS. Each one is there for a specific purpose.

NOTES give you added information that will help you to perform a particular procedure.

CAUTIONS are given to prevent you from making an error that could damage the vehicle.

WARNINGS remind you to be especially careful in those areas where carelessness can cause you personal injury. Such as the following:

Appropriate service methods and procedures are essential for the safe, reliable operation of all motor vehicles, as well as personal safety of the individual doing the work. There are numerous variations in procedure, techniques, tools and parts for servicing vehicles, as well as in the skill of the individual doing the work.


Block the drive wheels, as a safety routine, before beginning any service with the vehicle on the ground.

Never work under a vehicle supported only by a jack. Use jackstands, on a flat and level hard surface, for safe support.

Always wear appropriate eye protection.

Use caution when working near the catalytic converter to prevent the possibility of burns. The temperatures within the converter can exceed 1200°F.

Anyone who departs from the instructions provided must first establish that he comprises neither his personal safety nor the vehicle integrity by his choice of methods, tools or parts.