Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Electrical Disconnect Method

WARNING: Fuel supply tubes will remain pressurized for some period of time after the engine is shut off. This pressure must be released before servicing the fuel system.

Before opening the fuel system, release fuel pressure as follows:

1. Locate and disconnect the electrical connection to either the fuel pump relay or the inertia fuel shutoff switch.
2. Crank engine for approximately ten seconds. Engine might start and run for a short time. If so, crank engine an additional five seconds after engine stalls.
3. Connect the electrical connector that was disconnected in Step 1.

NOTE: When the battery has been disconnected and reconnected, some abnormal drive symptoms may occur while the powertrain control module relearns its adaptive strategy. The vehicle may need to be driven 16 km (10 miles) or more to relearn the strategy.

4. Disconnect battery ground cable. Fuel system is now ready for service.