Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Handling of Contaminated Refrigerants

1. Recover the contaminated refrigerant using suitable recovery-only equipment designed for capturing and storing contaminated refrigerant.
^ This equipment must only be used to recover contaminated refrigerant to prevent the spread to other vehicles.
^ If this equipment is not available, contact an A/C service facility in your area with the correct equipment to carry out this service.

CAUTION: If contaminated refrigerant is detected, DO NOT recover the refrigerant into your recovery/recycling equipment.

2. Determine and correct the cause of the customer's initial concern.
3. The suction accumulator/drier cannot be cleaned. A new suction accumulator/drier must be installed.

Remove the suction accumulator/drier.

NOTE: Residual refrigerant oil in the suction accumulator/drier must be drained and measured for correct oil system matching. Refrigerant Oil Addition

4. Clean the A/C evaporator core and the A/C condenser core by flushing. Air Conditioning System Flushing
5. Install the new suction accumulator/drier.
6. Correctly oil match the system. Refrigerant Oil Addition
7. Evacuate and charge the system. Evacuation and Charging Procedure
8. Dispose of contaminated refrigerant according to all federal, state and local regulations.