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Valve Tappet Hydraulic Leakdown Test

Valve Tappet-Leakdown Test, Hydraulic

1. NOTE: The leakdown test will not be accurate if it is done with engine oil in the hydraulic valve tappet. Use testing fluid. New hydraulic valve tappets are already filled with testing fluid.

Compress the hydraulic valve tappet to remove the engine oil if necessary.

2. Place the (1) hydraulic valve tappet in a (2) commercially available hydraulic tappet leakdown tester. Position the (3,' steel ball provided in the plunger cap. Add testing fluid to cover the hydraulic valve tappet and compress hydraulic tappet leakdown tester until the hydraulic valve tappet is filled with testing fluid.

3. Adjust the length of the (1) ram so the (2) pointer is just below the (3) Start Timing mark when the ram contacts the hydraulic valve tappet. Start timing as the pointer passes the (3) Start Timing mark and end timing as the pointer reaches the (4) center mark.