Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

A/C Component Replacement Requirements


Set, A/C Fittings:


- Use extreme care and observe all safety and service precautions related to the use of refrigerants.
- Due to refrigerant hazards, always wear safety goggles and non-penetrable gloves when working on A/C systems.

- An A/C refrigerant analyzer must be used before the recovery of any vehicle's A/C refrigerant. Failure to do so puts the shop's bulk refrigerant at risk of contamination. If the vehicle's A/C refrigerant is contaminated, refer the customer to the service facility that carried out the last A/C service. If the customer wishes to pay the additional cost, use the A/C recovery equipment that is designated for recovering contaminated A/C refrigerant. All contaminated A/C refrigerant must be disposed of as hazardous waste. For all equipment, follow the equipment manufacturer's procedures and instructions.
- On vehicles being serviced for an internal compressor or desiccant failure, a new suction accumulator/drier, muffler, thermal expansion valve, and evaporator core orifice must be installed prior to filtering the A/C system. Internal plumbing of these devices makes it impossible to correctly remove any residual agent. These components are typically discarded after A/C system contamination. Hoses can normally be reused unless they are clogged with foreign material. The filter is intended for use on one vehicle only.

1. Orient the filter inlet toward the A/C condenser core.

2. NOTE: The pancake filter is not permanently installed and will be removed at the end of this procedure.

Temporarily install the pancake filter between the A/C condenser core and the condenser to evaporator tube.
1 Use flexible refrigerant hose of 17,238 kPa (2,500 psi) burst rating.
2 Make the connections using the A/C Test Fitting Set.

3. Lubricate the refrigerant system with the correct amount of clean PAG oil.
4. Evacuate and charge the refrigerant system.
5. Check all refrigerant system hoses, lines and the position of the newly installed filters to be sure they do not interfere with other engine compartment components. If necessary, use tie-straps to make adjustments.
6. Provide adequate airflow to the front of the vehicle (with a fan, if necessary). Select A/C operation and set the blower motor speed to maximum. Start the engine and let it idle briefly. Make sure the A/C system is operating correctly.
7. Gradually bring the engine up to 1,200 rpm by running it at lower rpms for short periods (first at 800 rpm, then at 1,000 rpm). Set the engine at 1,200 rpm and run it for one hour with the A/C system operating.
8. Stop the engine.
9. Recover the refrigerant.
10. Remove the fittings, flexible hoses and pancake filter from between the condenser and the condenser to evaporator tube.
11. Discard the pancake filter. It can be used one time only.
12. Reconnect the condenser to evaporator tube to the A/C condenser core.
13. Evacuate, charge and leak-test the refrigerant system.