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Axle Carrier Bushing

Axle Carrier Bushing

Special Tool(s)


NOTE: The following procedure is applicable for all of the front axle mounting bushings.

1. NOTE: It is not necessary to remove the axle assembly from the jack.

Remove the front drive axle assembly.

2. Position the carrier bushing removal tools.
1 Position the Front Axle Mounting Bushing Cup Remover.
2 Position the Drawbolt through Front Axle Mounting Bushing Cup Remover and the bushing.
3 Thread the Bushing Remover onto the Drawbolt.

3. Tighten the Drawbolt to remove the carrier bushing.


1. Position the carrier bushing and the carrier bushing installation tools.
1 Position the Gauge Ring on the outer face of the bushing flange.
2 Position the Front Axle Mounting Bushing Collet Installer over the Gauge Ring and the bushing flange.
3 Slide the Front Axle Mounting Bushing Cup Remover over the Front Axle Mounting Bushing Collet Installer.
4 Insert the Drawbolt.
5 Thread the Front Axle Mounting Bushing Installer onto the Drawbolt.

2. NOTE: The Gauge Ring will correctly locate the carrier bushing when the Bushing Gullet Installer bottoms out on the carrier.

Tighten the Drawbolt until the Bushing Collet Installer contacts the carrier.
^ Remove the tools.

3. Install the front drive axle assembly.