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Driveline Angle

Driveline Angle Inspection

Special Tool(s)

CAUTION: Prior to checking driveline angularity, inspect the U-joints for correct operation.

NOTE: An incorrect driveline angle can cause a vibration or shudder.

1. For the driveshaft angle reading, place the special tool flush against the bottom of the driveshaft. Press the ALT ZERO button to calibrate the inclinometer.

2. To check the pinion operating angle, rotate the driveshaft so that the rear axle pinion flange yoke ear is parallel to the floor. Remove the U-joint snap ring, then install the special tool. Check and record the pinion operating angle reading.
^ If the angle is not within specifications, repair or adjust to obtain the correct angle. Inspect the rear suspension, rear axle, rear axle mounting or the frame for wear or damage.

3. Repeat the step, using the front universal joint to record the transmission operating angle.
4. Compare the operating angles. Ideally, the operating angles on each end of the driveshaft must:
^ be equal or within one degree of each other.
^ have a three degree maximum operating angle.
^ have at least one-half degree of operating angle.