Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Transmission Con't

31. CAUTION: Do not misalign the center support in the case bore. This can cause case bore damage.

NOTE: Make sure the No. 6 center support thrust washer is on the center support prior to installation.

Install the center support assembly with the feed holes aligned in the case.

32. Make a second measurement after installation of the center support.
1 Extend the probe of the special tool into the hole in the center support assembly until flush with the No. 6 center support thrust washer.
2 Record this as reading 2.

33. Subtract reading 1 from reading 2. Record this as reading 3. If the final dimension is outside specified limits, this indicates that the transmission has been assembled incorrectly.

34. CAUTION: Do not tighten the bolts at this time. This could cause transmission failure.

Loosely install two new feedbolts.

35. NOTE: Clock position is viewed looking into the converter housing with the top of the transmission in the 12 o'clock position.

Install the intermediate clutch return spring with the dished surface inward and one spring leg in the 6 o'clock position.

36. CAUTION: Do not misalign the intermediate/overdrive cylinder assembly. This can damage the case bore.

Install the intermediate/overdrive cylinder assembly with the feed holes aligned with the holes in the case.

37. NOTE: Clock position is viewed looking into the converter housing with the top of the transmission in the 12 o'clock position.

Install the intermediate/overdrive cylinder retaining ring over the intermediate/overdrive cylinder with the ring opening in the 6 o'clock position to allow for the correct fluid drainback.

38. Install the special tool.
1 Rotate the special tool clockwise to lock in place.
2 Tighten the handle.

39. CAUTION: Make sure the snap ring is fully seated into the case. Transmission failure could occur.

NOTE: Clock position is viewed looking into the converter housing with the top of the transmission in the 12 o'clock position.

Seat the intermediate/overdrive cylinder retaining ring into the case ring groove with the ring opening in the 6 o'clock position.

40. CAUTION: Do not tighten the bolts at this time. Transmission failure could occur.

Loosely install a new intermediate/overdrive cylinder feedbolt.

41. Loosen the center bolt and remove the special tool.

42. NOTE: The number of plates in the clutch pack is vehicle-dependent.

NOTE: Clock position is viewed looking into the converter housing with the top of the transmission in the 12 o'clock position.

Install the overdrive clutch pack.
1 Install the overdrive clutch pack starting with a steel plate and alternating with friction plates.
2 Install the overdrive clutch pressure plate with the dot facing outward and in the 12 o'clock position.

43. NOTE: Clock position is viewed looking into the converter housing with the top of the transmission in the 12 o'clock position.

Install the overdrive clutch pressure plate retainer snap ring with the ring opening in the 6 o'clock position.

44. NOTE: The special tool must be used to install the coast clutch assembly or damage to the overdrive one-way clutch may occur.

NOTE: Use petroleum jelly to hold the No. 5 thrust bearing on the center shaft during assembly.

Using the special tool, install the coast clutch and No. 5 thrust bearing assembly.
1 Install the No. 5 thrust bearing.
2 Install the coast clutch assembly.

Applications equipped with a PTO

45. NOTE: The special tool must be used to install the coast clutch assembly or damage to the overdrive one-way clutch may occur.

NOTE: Use petroleum jelly to hold the No. 5 thrust bearing on the center shaft during assembly.

Using the special tool, install the coast clutch and No. 5 thrust bearing assembly.
1 Install the No. 5 thrust bearing.
2 Install the coast clutch assembly.

All applications

46. Check the stack-up clearance.
^ Using a feeler gauge, check the stack-up clearance in 3 places, 120° apart.
^ If the clearance is not to specification, install the correct selective overdrive clutch pressure plate retainer snap ring and recheck the clearance. Refer to the Clutch Plate Usage and Clearance Specification Chart for selective snap ring thicknesses and part numbers.

47. NOTE: Lightly lubricate the gasket with petroleum Jelly to hold it in place during assembly.

Install the new pump gasket. Aligning the holes in the gasket with the holes in the case.

48. Install the input shaft with long-splined end first and install the special tool.

49. NOTE: The No. 1 pump thrust washer is model dependent.

NOTE: Lightly lubricate the thrust washer and bearing with petroleum jelly to hold it in place during assembly.

Install the No. 1 pump thrust washer and the No. 2A overdrive sun gear thrust bearing.

50. CAUTION: Pump assemblies are vehicle-dependent. Using the wrong pump will cause transmission failure.

CAUTION: Fully seat the front pump assembly using hand pressure only. Do not use bolts to draw the front pump assembly into the case.

CAUTION: Tighten the bolts alternately to avoid possible damage.

NOTE: Clock position is viewed looking into the converter housing with the top of the transmission in the 12 o'clock position.

Install the front pump assembly with the filter inlet tube bore in the 6 o'clock position. Fully seat the front pump assembly using hand pressure only. When the pump is fully seated, remove the special tool.

51. CAUTION: Discard the old washers.

Install the bolts with new rubber-coated washers. Tighten the bolts alternately in a crisscross pattern.

52. CAUTION: Remove the input shaft prior to rotating the transmission.

Remove the input shaft.

53. Using the special tool, install the manual control lever seal.

54. Install the manual control lever shaft assembly.
1 Install the manual control lever shaft assembly.
2 Install and seat the manual lever shaft retaining pin below the case surface.

3 NOTE: Use a crescent wrench on the manual control lever or outer flats of the manual control lever shaft assembly when installing the inner manual valve detent lever nut.

Install the parking pawl actuating rod, the inner manual valve detent lever and the nut onto the manual control lever shaft assembly.

4 NOTE: The manual control valve detent lever spring must be on the inner manual valve detent lever and the detent lever pin must align with the manual shift valve.

Install the manual control valve detent lever spring and the bolt.

55. Install the parking pawl.
1 Install the parking pawl shaft.
2 Install the parking pawl.
3 Install the parking pawl return spring.

56. CAUTION: The Torx screw has a thread-locking compound. If the screw is removed, it must be discarded and a new one installed.

If removed, install the parking pawl abutment with a new Torx screw.

57. NOTE: Make sure the dimple on the parking guide support plate is facing inward and the parking pawl actuating rod is in the parking rod support plate slot.

Install the parking rod guide plate.
1 Install the parking rod guide plate.
2 Install the bolts.

58. Install a new orifice lube plug in the rear of the case. Using a 12 mm (0.48 inch) socket, tap the orifice lube plug into the back of the transmission.

59. Check to make sure that the orifice lube plug is fully seated into the back of the transmission.