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Forward/Coast/Direct Clutch Cylinder and Reverse Clutch Drum Assembly

Special Tool(s):


1. CAUTION: The tabs on the No. 2 direct clutch thrust washer must be seated in the direct clutch support and spring.

Install the No. 2 direct clutch thrust washer on the forward/coast/direct clutch cylinder with the tabs facing downward.

2. Install the 2 reverse clutch cylinder seals.

3. NOTE: Make sure that the reverse clutch cylinder seals are overlapped correctly.

Position the reverse clutch cylinder seals.
1 Correct installation.
2 Incorrect installation.

4. Support the forward/coast/direct clutch cylinder assembly on a block of wood so that the direct clutch faces upward.

5. Install the direct clutch hub and shell on the forward/coast/direct clutch cylinder.

6. Install the reverse clutch drum assembly.

7. Install the reverse clutch hub.

8. Support the reverse clutch drum on a block of wood while installing the reverse clutch hub retaining ring.

9. Install the forward/coast/direct clutch cylinder hub seal.

10. Leave special tool attached until the forward/coast/direct clutch cylinder is installed into the transaxle housing.