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Driveline Vibration

Driveline Vibration
Driveline vibration exhibits a higher frequency and lower amplitude than does high-speed shake. Driveline vibration is directly related to the speed of the vehicle and is usually noticed at various speed ranges. Driveline vibration can be perceived as a tremor in the floorpan or is heard as a rumble, hum or boom. Driveline vibration can exist in all drive modes, but may exhibit different symptoms depending upon whether the vehicle is accelerating, decelerating, floating or coasting. Check the driveline angles if the vibration is particularly noticeable during acceleration or deceleration, especially at lower speeds. Driveline vibration can be duplicated on a hoist. When carrying out an on-hoist test, the suspension lower arms must be supported with Jack stands to make sure the halfshafts maintain the correct ride height. The brakes may need to be applied lightly in order to simulate road resistance.