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Companion Flange Runout Check - Circular

Companion Flange Runout Check - Circular

CAUTION: Pinion bearing preload must be reset if the pinion nut has been loosened or removed for pinion flange reindexing or installation.

1. Raise the vehicle on a twin-post hoist that supports the rear axle.
2. Remove the driveshaft.
3. Check the pinion flange for damage.
4. Position the Drive Pinion Flange Runout Gauge on the pinion flange.

5. Position the Companion Flange Plate onto the Drive Pinion Flange Runout Gauge.

6. Align the holes on the Driveshaft Clamp Plate with the holes in the pinion flange and install the bolts. Snug the bolts evenly.

7. Position the Dial Indicator Gauge with Holding Fixture as shown. Turn the Drive Pinion Flange Runout Gauge, and locate and mark the high spot on the pinion flange with yellow paint.

If the flange runout exceeds 0.25 mm (0.010 inch), remove the pinion flange, reindex the flange 1/2 turn on the pinion, and reinstall it.

8. Check the runout again. If necessary, rotate the flange until an acceptable runout is obtained. If the flange runout is still more than 0.25 mm (0.010 inch), install a new pinion flange.

9. If excessive runout is still evident after installation of the pinion flange, install a new ring and pinion. Repeat the above checks until the runout is within specifications.
10. Install the driveshaft.