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Alternate Diagnostic Methods - HVAC Module - EATC Only


The EATC system must be diagnosed by first retrieving any DTCs, if present.

- An on-demand (hard fault) DTC indicates that the fault is currently present. An on-demand DTC suggests a wiring fault, disconnected connector or component failure.
- A continuous (intermittent) DTC alone (corresponding on-demand DTC is not present) indicates that the fault is an intermittent condition and may not be currently present. A continuous only DTC suggests a poor wiring connection, loose pin or terminal or intermittent component failure.

On-demand (hard fault) or continuous (intermittent fault) DTCs can be retrieved using a scan tool. If using a scan tool, refer to the scan tool operating manual.

On-demand DTCs can also be retrieved by carrying out the HVAC Module - EATC On-Demand Self Test. To retrieve and/or clear continuous DTCs, carry out the HVAC Module - EATC - Retrieve Continuous DTCs procedure. Always carry out the HVAC Module - EATC On-Demand Self Test before retrieving continuous DTCs. HVAC Module - EATC On-Demand Self Test HVAC Module - EATC - Retrieve Continuous DTCs

If no DTCs are present, GO to Symptom Chart for the appropriate diagnostic action. Symptom Related Diagnostic Procedures