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Transmission Fluid Cooler Backflushing and Cleaning

Transmission Fluid Cooler Backflushing and Cleaning

Special Tool(s):


Cooler Line and Remote Filter Fluid Flow:

Remote Fluid Filter:

Procedure for using a tank heated transmission fluid cooler line flusher

CAUTION: Whenever the transmission has been overhauled or a remanufactured transmission has been installed, the transmission fluid cooler tubes and the radiator in-tank fluid cooler must be cleaned and backflushed to remove any contaminants or repeat transmission failure will occur.

NOTE: Install a new oil-to-air (OTA) cooler as part of a transmission overhaul, or when installing a remanufactured transmission.

NOTE: Early build transmissions are equipped with a remote transmission fluid filter which is located under the transmission bell housing. When carrying out an overhaul or installing a remanufactured transmission, a new remote filter assembly must be installed.

NOTE: Repeat repairs will occur if the transmission fluid flow does not meet specification. To avoid repeat repairs, carry out the fluid cooler flow test. Transmission Fluid Cooler

NOTE: Plug the flusher into a 110-volt outlet and allow it to heat up to the correct temperature.

1. If equipped, remove and discard the in-line transmission fluid filter. Install a straight pipe with hose clamps in its place.

2. Remove the remote filter assembly and discard (early build vehicles).
3. Connect the rear and middle fluid cooler tube assemblies using hose and clamps (early build vehicles).
4. Flush the transmission cooler return tube first.
1. The transmission cooler return tube can be identified as the tube that runs from the OTA outlet to the rear of the transmission.
2. Using the appropriate fittings and quick disconnects supplied with the flusher, connect the flusher pressure and return lines to either end of the transmission cooler return tube.
3. Switch the flusher pump on and allow it to run for 60 seconds.
4. Turn the switch off after 60 seconds and disconnect the pressure line.
5. Blow air through the cooler tube until the transmission fluid is drained back into the flusher.
6. Disconnect the flusher return line.
5. Flush the transmission cooler pressure tube and radiator in-tank transmission fluid cooler as follows:
1. The pressure tube and radiator in-tank transmission fluid cooler must be back flushed, then forward flushed. This is necessary to thoroughly flush the in-tank transmission fluid cooler
2. The transmission fluid cooler pressure tube can be identified as the tube that runs from the OTA transmission fluid cooler inlet to the front of the transmission.
3. Using the appropriate fittings and quick disconnects supplied with the flusher, connect the flusher pressure tube to the radiator in-tank transmission fluid cooler outlet. Connect the flusher return line to the transmission fluid cooler pressure tube (the cooler tube near the transmission bellhousing).
4. Switch the flusher on and allow it to run for 15 minutes.
5. Turn the switch off after 15 minutes then reverse the flusher lines.
6. Switch the flusher pump on and allow it to run for 15 minutes.
7. Disconnect the flusher pressure tube and blow air through the tube until the transmission fluid is drained back into the flusher.
8. Disconnect the flusher return line.
6. Install a new remote transmission fluid filter assembly using a backup wrench to avoid damage to the remote filter transmission fluid cooler tube nut fittings.
^ Tighten to 40 Nm (30 ft. lbs.).
7. Install a new in-line transmission fluid filter if equipped. Install the in-line transmission fluid filter kit if the vehicle was not equipped with the kit.

Procedure for using a flush and fill machine

CAUTION: Whenever the transmission has been overhauled or a remanufactured transmission has been installed, the transmission fluid cooler tubes and the radiator in-tank fluid cooler must be cleaned and backflushed to remove any contaminants or repeat transmission failure will occur.

NOTE: Install a new OTA transmission fluid cooler as part of a transmission overhaul, or when installing a remanufactured transmission.

NOTE: Early build transmissions are equipped with a remote transmission fluid filter located under the transmission bell housing. When carrying out an overhaul or installing a remanufactured transmission, a new remote filter assembly must be installed.

NOTE: Repeat repairs will occur if the transmission fluid flow does not meet specification. To avoid repeat repairs, carry out the fluid cooler flow test. For additional information, refer to Transmission Fluid Cooler. Transmission Fluid Cooler

1. Using a suitable torque converter/fluid cooler cleaner, flush the transmission fluid cooler and tubes.
2. If equipped, remove and discard the in-line transmission fluid filter.

3. Remove and discard the remote transmission fluid filter assembly (early build vehicles).

4. CAUTION: The transmission cooler tubes must be disconnected prior to flushing out the cooler tubes.

Disconnect the 4 transmission fluid cooler tubes at the remote transmission fluid filter.
5. Leave the transmission fluid cooler tubes disconnected from the transmission case.
6. Disconnect both transmission fluid cooler tubes from the radiator in-tank transmission fluid cooler.
7. Flush each transmission fluid cooler tube independently.
8. Connect the cleaner pressure and return lines correctly, in the following sequence.
1. Connect the pressure line-to-fluid cooler inlet tube.
2. Connect the return line-to-fluid cooler outlet tube.
3. Place the outlet end of the return line in the fluid tank reservoir.

9. NOTE: Cycling the solvent pump on and off will help dislodge contaminants in the cooler system.

Switch the pump ON. Allow the fluid to circulate a minimum of 5 minutes.
10. Switch the pump OFF.
11. Disconnect the cleaner pressure line at the fluid cooler tube.
12. Using compressed air, blow through the transmission fluid cooler inlet tube until all transmission fluid is removed.
13. Remove the rubber hoses from fluid cooler tubes.
14. Connect the cleaner pressure and return lines correctly, in the following sequence.
1. Connect the pressure line to the radiator in-tank transmission fluid cooler.
2. Connect the return line to the other side of the radiator in-tank transmission fluid cooler.
3. Place the outlet end of the return line in the fluid tank reservoir.

15. NOTE: Cycling the pump on and off will help dislodge contaminants in the cooler system.

Switch the pump ON. Allow the fluid to circulate a minimum of 5 minutes.
16. Switch the pump OFF.
17. Disconnect the cleaner pressure line at the transmission fluid cooler tube.
18. Using compressed air, blow through the transmission fluid cooler inlet tube until all transmission fluid is removed.
19. Remove the rubber hoses from fluid cooler tubes.
20. Install a new remote filter assembly using a backup wrench to avoid damage to the remote filter fluid cooler tube nut fittings.
^ Tighten to 40 Nm (30 ft. lbs.).

21. NOTE: Install a new oil-to-air (OTA) cooler as part of a transmission overhaul or when installing a remanufactured transmission.

Back flush and forward flush the OTA.
22. Back flush and forward flush the radiator in-tank cooler.
23. Carry out the transmission fluid cooler flow test. Transmission Fluid Cooler