Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Continuous Trap Oxidizer: Description and Operation


Diesel Particulate Filter:

The diesel particulate filter collects the soot and ash particles that are present in the exhaust gas of diesel engines. The diesel particulate filter assembly typically consists of active precious metals deposited on a substrate filter. The exhaust gas is forced to flow through the walls of the porous substrate and exit through the adjoining channels. The particulates that are larger than the pore size of the walls are trapped for regeneration. During regeneration the temperature in the diesel particulate filter increases to greater than 550°C (1,022°F). At this temperature the soot in the diesel particulate filter burns and becomes ash. The precious metal washcoat promotes the regeneration of the trapped particulates through the heat-generating reaction and catalyzes the untreated exhaust gas. The substrate filter is held in the metal shell by a ceramic fiber support system. The support system makes up the size differences that occur due to thermal expansion and maintains a uniform holding force on the substrate filter.