Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Timing Adjustment

Timing Adjustment

NOTE: Any time a roof opening panel motor is removed, the cables/mechanisms can experience free-play movement. It is important that the cables do not move. They are timed to be parallel with each other. If one or both are moved in either direction, they must be re-timed.

NOTE: The roof opening panel motor must be initialized when repairs are carried out on any part of the roof opening panel system, including: whenever the roof opening panel motor has been removed from the roof opening panel system, the roof opening panel glass has been removed from the roof opening panel system, the roof opening panel assembly has been removed from the vehicle, a new roof opening panel motor has been installed, a new roof opening panel glass has been installed or a new roof opening panel assembly has been installed. For additional information, refer to Roof Opening Panel Motor Initialization Programming and Relearning.

1. Remove the roof opening panel glass. For additional information, refer to Roof Opening Panel Glass Roof Opening Panel Glass.

2. With the roof opening panel glass removed, position the roof opening panel to the CLOSED position.

3. Remove the roof opening panel motor. For additional information, refer to Roof Opening Panel Motor Roof Opening Panel Motor.

4. Pull the trough assembly arms outward to release the trough assembly guide arm pins from the roof opening panel frame.

5. Slide the trough assembly rearward to gain access to the alignment holes.

6. Use a small Allen wrench or pick to confirm timing as shown.
- Move the affected cables by hand until the timing holes are aligned with each other.

- There is a hole in the lifter arm and a hole in the cable link. They will only align in one position.

7. NOTE: When installing the roof opening panel motor, it may be necessary to turn the roof opening panel motor slightly to engage the drive splines.

With the timing holes aligned, install the roof opening panel motor. Tighten the motor screws to 2 Nm (18 lb-in).

8. Reinstall the trough assembly. For additional information, refer to Trough Assembly Trough Assembly.

9. Reinstall the roof opening panel glass. For additional information, refer to Roof Opening Panel Glass Roof Opening Panel Glass.

10. Initialize the roof opening panel motor. For additional information, refer to Roof Opening Panel Motor Initialization Programming and Relearning.