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with Radiator Refiller

Fuel and Turbocharger Cooling System Draining, Filling and Bleeding

Filling and bleeding with RADIATOR REFILLER

1. Assemble the RADIATOR REFILLER with the adapter nipple.

2. NOTICE: With the system cold, fill vehicles to within the sight glass on the coolant expansion tank. This fill level will allow for coolant expansion. Overfilling the coolant expansion tank may result in damage to the pressure cap, which can cause the fuel and turbocharger cooling system to overheat.

Install the RADIATOR REFILLER and follow the RADIATOR REFILLER manufacturer's instructions to fill and bleed the cooling system.

3. NOTE: An operating coolant pump that squeals indicates either:
- the system is not completely filled or bled.
- the coolant pump is bad and must be replaced.

If the coolant pump squeals, drain the cooling system, fill and bleed the cooling system again.
- If the coolant pump still squeals, replace the coolant pump. For addition information, refer to Coolant Pump Coolant Pump - Fuel Charging and Controls.