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Catalytic Converter - Stripped Chassis

Catalytic Converter - Stripped Chassis

Removal and Installation

NOTE: Exhaust fasteners are of a prevailing torque design. Use only new fasteners with the same part number as the original. Torque values must be used as specified during reassembly to make sure of correct retention of exhaust components.

1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.

2. Support the muffler and tail pipe assembly with a safety stand.

3. Release the front muffler and tail pipe assembly and, if equipped, the extension pipe hanger isolators.

4. Loosen the muffler and tail pipe assembly or, if equipped, the extension pipe-to-catalytic converter Torca(R) clamp.
- To install, tighten to 55 Nm (41 lb-ft).

5. Remove the muffler and tail pipe and, if equipped, the extension pipe from the catalytic converter.

6. Disconnect the Catalyst Monitor Sensor (CMS) electrical connector.

7. Remove the 3 exhaust Y-pipe-to-catalytic converter nuts and discard. Remove the exhaust Y-pipe-to-catalytic converter support bracket.
- To install, tighten the new nuts to 40 Nm (30 lb-ft).

8. Remove the catalytic converter from the exhaust Y-pipe and discard the gasket.

9. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
- If a new Torca(R) clamp needs to be installed, refer to Torca(R) Clamp Torca(R) Clamp.