Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Heater Core

Heater Core

Removal and Installation

NOTE: If a heater core leak is suspected, the heater core must be pressure leak tested before it is removed from the vehicle.

1. Drain the engine coolant.

2. Disconnect the heater hoses at the heater core.

3. Remove the glove compartment.
1. Remove the 4 glove compartment screws.

2. Remove the glove compartment.

4. Remove the 8 heater core cover screws and the heater core cover.

5. NOTE: Use care not to spill the coolant remaining in the heater core during removal.

Remove the heater core.

6. To install, reverse the removal procedure.
- Clean and lubricate the coolant hoses with distilled water only, if needed.

7. Fill the engine cooling system.