Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Component Tests and General Diagnostics


Component Test

Component Test - Thermo-Electric Device (TED) Cooling Performance

NOTE: This test is intended to check the cooling mode performance of an operational climate controlled seat backrest or cushion Thermo-Electric Device (TED) and verify it is cooling inlet air at the TED (Thermo-Electric Device) (ambient cabin air) between 6-8°C (10-14°F).

NOTE: Make sure the vehicle is out of direct sunlight and is in an area with a stable air temperature when testing the climate controlled seat system.

NOTE: For correct temperature measurements, the seat being tested should be occupied.

1. Enter DataLogger and monitor the following Dual Climate Controlled Seat Module (DCSM) PIDs:
- Seat cushion TED (Thermo-Electric Device) temperature (CSHTEMP)

- Seat back TED (Thermo-Electric Device) temperature (BK_TEMP)

- Passenger cushion TED (Thermo-Electric Device) temperature (PCSHTMP)

- Passenger back TED (Thermo-Electric Device) temperature (PBKTMP)

- Driver state seat mode (DCCSMOD)

- Passenger state seat mode (PCCSMOD)

2. Any initial PID value of greater than 205°C (401°F) or less than 2°C (36°F) indicates a system hardware failure. Do not proceed with this test. GO to Symptom Chart Symptom Related Diagnostic Procedures or Dual Climate Controlled Seat Module (DCSM) DTC Chart for diagnosis Seats.

3. Gain access to the seat cushion and backrest TEDs (Thermo-Electric Devices) and use a suitable thermo-couple temperature measuring device to monitor the air inlet temperature.
- Release the J-clip at the backrest bottom and unzip the 2 zippers at the backrest side edges.

- Place the temperature probe near each TEDs (Thermo-Electric Devices) air filter.

4. NOTE: The engine must be running to operate the climate controlled seat system and carry out this test.
Operate system in high cool mode and measure the temperature at the cushion TED (Thermo-Electric Device) filter using the thermo-couple device.

- Obtain and record the air inlet temperature at the TED (Thermo-Electric Device).
- Secure the temperature probe at the cushion TED (Thermo-Electric Device) air filter before measuring.

5. Use a scan tool to measure the cushion TED (Thermo-Electric Device) PID temperature and record the value.
- Monitor the MODE PID and verify the system is operating. If during testing, the PID value changes to Blower Only state, the system has entered into recovery mode and voltage to the TEDs (Thermo-Electric Devices) is disabled. If this occurs, the seat has failed the test. Do not continue. Return to the diagnostic routine.

6. Subtract the cushion TED (Thermo-Electric Device) PID temperature from the cushion air inlet temperature and record the temperature difference value.

7. Continue to operate the system in high cool mode and use the thermo-couple device to measure the temperature at the backrest TED (Thermo-Electric Device) filter.
- Obtain and record the air inlet temperature at the TED (Thermo-Electric Device).
- Secure the temperature probe at the backrest TED (Thermo-Electric Device) air filter and close the backrest cover before measuring.

8. Use a scan tool to measure the backrest TED (Thermo-Electric Device) PID temperature and record the value.
- Monitor the MODE PID and verify the system is operating. If during testing, the PID value changes to Blower Only state, the system has entered into recovery mode and voltage to the TEDs (Thermo-Electric Devices) is disabled. If this occurs, the seat has failed the test. Do not continue. Return to the diagnostic routine.

9. Subtract the backrest TED (Thermo-Electric Device) PID temperature from the backrest air inlet temperature and record the value.

10. Compare the cushion and backrest calculated temperature values. The temperature difference should be between 6 and 8 degrees.

11. If the calculated temperature values are not within these specifications, check the climate controlled seat components for air duct or filter restrictions, blockages, duct or electrical disconnections and for incorrect assembly. Repair as needed. If OK, carry out the DCSM (Dual Climate Controlled Seat Module) self-test and if any DTC is retrieved, go to Dual Climate Controlled Seat Module (DCSM) DTC Chart for diagnostic direction Seats. Return to the diagnostic routine.