Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Component Tests and General Diagnostics

Starting System

Component Tests

WARNING: Always disconnect the battery ground cable at the battery before disconnecting the starter motor battery terminal lead. If a tool is shorted at the starter motor battery terminal, the tool can quickly heat enough to cause a skin burn. Failure to follow this instruction may result in serious personal injury.

Always make the Digital Multimeter connections at the component terminal rather than at the wiring end of the connector. Making a connection at the wiring end of the connector could result in false readings because the meter will not pick up high resistance between the wiring connector and component.

Starter Motor - Feed Circuit Test

1. Make sure the battery is fully charged; carry out a battery Drain test. Component Tests and General Diagnostics

2. Connect a remote starter switch between the starter solenoid C197B and the battery positive terminal.

3. Connect the Digital Multimeter positive lead to the battery positive post. Connect the negative lead to the starter solenoid "M" terminal.

4. Engage the remote starter switch. Read and record the voltage. The voltage reading should be 0.5 volt or less.

5. If the voltage reading is 0.5 volt or less, go to the starter motor-ground circuit component test.

6. If the voltage reading is greater than 0.5 volt, this is an indication of excessive resistance in the connections, the positive battery cable or in the starter solenoid. Move the Digital Multimeter negative lead to the starter solenoid C197A and repeat the test. If the voltage reading at starter solenoid C197A is lower than 0.5 volt, the concern is either in the connections at the starter solenoid or in the solenoid contacts.

7. Remove the cables from starter solenoid C197A, C197B and "M" terminals. Clean the cables and connections and reinstall the cables to the correct terminals. Repeat Steps 3 through 6. If the voltage drop reading is still greater than 0.5 volt when checked at the "M" terminal or less than 0.5 volt when checked at C197A, the concern is in the solenoid contacts. Install a new starter motor. Refer to Starter Motor- 3.5L GTDI, 3.7L or Starter Motor- 5.0L (4V), 6.2L (2V) .

8. If the voltage reading taken at starter solenoid C197A is still greater than 0.5 volt after cleaning the cables and connections at the solenoid, the concern is either in the battery cable connection or in the positive battery cable itself.

9. Clean the positive battery cable connection. If this does not solve the problem, install a new battery cables.

Starter Motor - Ground Circuit Test

A slow cranking condition can be caused by resistance in the ground or return portion of the cranking circuit. Check the voltage drop in the ground circuit as follows:

1. Connect a remote starter switch between the starter solenoid C197B and the battery positive terminal.

2. Connect the Digital Multimeter positive lead to the starter motor housing (the connection must be clean and free of rust or grease). Connect the negative lead to the negative battery terminal.

3. Engage the remote starter switch and crank the engine. Read and record the voltage reading. The reading should be 0.5 volt or less.

4. If the voltage drop is greater than 0.5 volt, clean the negative cable connections at the battery, the body ground connections and the starter ground connection. Retest.

5. If the voltage drop is greater than 0.5 volt, install new cables. If the voltage reading is less than 0.5 volt and the engine still cranks slowly, install a new starter motor. Refer to Starter Motor- 3.5L GTDI, 3.7L or Starter Motor- 5.0L (4V), 6.2L (2V) .