Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Cleaning & Inspection

1. Wash all parts except accelerator pump diaphragm, anti-stall dashpot assembly and all nonmetallic parts in suitable carburetor cleaning solvent.
2. Rinse all parts in kerosene, then dry them with compressed air.
3. Using soft, clean, dry cloth, wipe clean all parts that cannot be immersed in solvent.
4. Force compressed air through all carburetor passages.
5. Check choke shaft or enrichment rod for grooves, wear and excessive looseness or binding.
6. Inspect choke plate for nicked edges and ease of operation.
7. Ensure all carbon and foreign material has been removed from automatic choke housing and piston.
8. Check operation of choke piston or choke diaphragm for free movement, replacing worn parts as necessary.
9. Check throttle shaft in bores for excessive looseness or binding and check throttle plates for burrs that prevent proper closing.
10. Inspect main body, throttle body, venturi valve, air horn, nozzle bars, and booster venturi assemblies, choke housing and thermostatic spring housing, enrichment valve cover and accelerator pump cover for cracks, replacing worn parts as necessary.
11. Check metallic float(s) for leaks by holding them under water that has been heated to just below the boiling point. Bubbles will appear if there is a leak.
12. Shake float to check for entry of fuel or water, replacing float as necessary.
13. Replace float if arm needle contact surface is grooved.
14. When reusing floats, polish needle contact surface of arm with crocus cloth or steel wool.
15. Replace float shafts if they are worn.
16. Replace all screws and nuts that have stripped threads.
17. Replace all distorted or broken springs.
18. Inspect all gasket mating surfaces, replacing parts that have damaged gasket surfaces.