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Dashboard / Instrument Panel: Service and Repair

Fig. 25 Removing Trim Panels, Escort, EXP & Lynx.:

Fig. 26 Removing I/P, Escort, EXP & Lynx.:

Refer to Fig. 25 and 26, when performing this procedure.

1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2 Remove two steering column shroud retaining screws, then the shroud.
3. Remove two retaining screws at bottom of steering column opening cover. Disengage two clips on top of cover and remove cover.
4. Remove two steering column retaining screws and two retaining nuts from steering column support bracket. Lower steer column.
5. Disconnect all electrical connections from steering column switches.
6. Remove retaining screw from left side finish panel and carefully disengage clip on left side. Remove finish panel.
7. Remove two center finish panel to cluster finish panels and remove screws.
8. Remove six cluster opening finish panel retaining screws. Pull finish panel rearward then disconnect fog lamp switch connector and remove finish panel.
9. Disconnect speedometer cable by reaching up under instrument panel and pressing on flat surface of plastic connector.
10. Remove four cluster retaining screws, then disconnect cluster wiring and remove cluster.
11. Remove four center finish panel retaining screws and remove center finish panel.
12. Remove four right side utility compartment retaining screws. Pull out bin side first and pull to left to disengage clip on right side of register.
13. Remove three glove compartment hinge attachment support screws, then remove glove compartment assembly by depressing sides of bin.
14. Using cluster opening, and by reaching under instrument panel, disconnect all electrical connections, vacuum hoses, heater-A/C control cables and radio antenna.
15. Disconnect all underhood electrical connectors of main wire loom. Disengage rubber grommet from dash panel and feed wire and connectors into instrument panel area.
16. Remove one instrument panel to steering column support bracket retaining nut accessible through steering column opening.
17. Remove two lower instrument panel to cowl retaining screws.
18. Disconnect instrument panel brace from floor brace.
19. Remove three instrument panel upper retaining screws.
20. Remove instrument panel from vehicle.
21. Reverse procedure to install.