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Manifold Gauge Set Connection


NOTE: When performing any of the various tests, test equipment must be connected to the refrigerant system. If charge station type of equipment is used, follow the instructions of the manufacturer. To attach a manifold gauge set to the service access gauge port valves, proceed as follows:

Manifold Gauge Set:

1. Turn both manifold gauge set valves fully clockwise to close the high and low pressure hoses at gauge set refrigerant center outlet hoses.

Service Hose Adapter Tools:

NOTE: A special adapter Rotunda Tool D81L-19703-A or Motorcraft Tool YT-354 or 355 or equivalent is required to connect the manifold gauge set or a charging station to the high pressure service access gauge port valve.

2. Remove the caps from the high and low pressure service (Schrader) access gauge port valves.
3. If the manifold gauge set or charging station refrigerant hoses do not have the valve depressing pins in them, install fitting adapters T71P-19703-S and T71P-19703-R or equivalent, (containing valve depressing pins) on the manifold gauge set low and high pressure hoses.

Refrigerant System Service Connections:

4. Connect high and low pressure refrigerant hoses with depressing pins or adapters containing depressing pins to the respective high and low pressure service access gauge port valves.

NOTE: A special adapter Rotunda Tool D81L-19703-A or Motorcraft Tool YT-354 or 355 or equivalent is required to connect the manifold gauge set or a charging station to the high pressure service access gauge port valve.