Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Parts Information

PartManufacturerOEM Part #PriceNotes
C3 Model
Throttle Control Diaphragm
With White PaintFORE1SZ7A377A18.08Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
With Green PaintFORE1SZ7A377B20.62Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
With No ColorFORE1ZZ7A377A160.75Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
With Black PaintFORE1ZZ7A377B33.32Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
With Blue or Red PaintFORE3ZZ7A377A25.82Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
With 84DT7A377A2B StampingFORE4SZ7A377A33.09Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
With 84DT7A377B3B StampingFORE4SZ7A377B488.23Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
C5 Model
Green StripeFORD5AZ7A377B33.02Contact Dealer for most current part and price information. Order By Model & Tag Identification Number.
Stamped D7OP-AAFORD7DZ7A377A34.84Contact Dealer for most current part and price information. Order By Model & Tag Identification Number.
Yellow StripeFORD2AZ7A377A22.13Contact Dealer for most current part and price information. Order By Model & Tag Identification Number.
Blue StripeFORD7BZ7A377A327.27Contact Dealer for most current part and price information. Order By Model & Tag Identification Number.