Ford Removable
Fig. 1 Removable Carrier 9In. Ring Gear Axle Exploded View:
Standard Differential
1. Mount carrier in suitable holding fixture.
2. Mark one differential bearing cap and the mating bearing support with punch marks for proper assembly.
3. Remove adjusting nut locks, bearing caps, and adjusting nuts, Fig. 1, then lift differential case assembly out of carrier.
4. Using suitable press, remove differential side bearings.
5. Mark differential case, cover, and ring gear for proper assembly.
6. Remove and discard ring gear to differential case attaching bolts, then press gear from case or tap gear off with soft faced hammer.
7. Separate differential case halves, then drive out differential pinion shaft lock pin with suitable drift.
8. Using brass drift, drive out differential pinion shaft.
9. Remove differential side gears, differential pinion gears, and thrust washers.
Fig. 2 Ford Traction-Lok Limited Slip Differential:
Traction-Lok Differential
1. Referring to Fig. 2, remove ring gear to differential case bolts. Remove ring gear.
2. With case in press or using two bolts and nuts through ring gear mounting holes to compress case halves and overcome preload spring tension, loosen two Allen or Phillips head screws until only a few threads of the screws are still engaged then remove case from press and tap cover to spring it loose. Remove screws.
3. With cover facing down, remove case, preload spring plate and springs.
4. From cover, remove side gear, clutch guides, hub and clutch discs.
5. Drive pinion shaft lock pins from case.
6. With brass drift, drive long pinion shaft from case, driving from end opposite lock pin hole.
7. Remove two short pinion shafts by driving each shaft from center outward. Lift out center block, pinion gears, thrust washers and side gear.
8. Remove differential bearings.