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Starter Motor: Service and Repair


1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Remove two upper starter motor mounting bolts.
3. Raise and support vehicle.
4. Remove two manifold to cylinder block bracket bolts, then the bracket.
5. Remove mounting bracket to support bracket bolt.
6. Remove support bracket.
7. Remove two nuts and washers that secure mounting bracket to starter motor.
8. Disconnect the ``B'' and ``S'' terminal connectors at starter solenoid.
9. Remove lower starter motor mounting bolt.
10. Remove starter motor.
11. Reverse procedure to install, torque starter motor retaining bolts to 23-34 ft.lbs.

Fig. 1 Starter Motor Replacement:


1. Disconnect battery ground cable, then raise and support front of vehicle.
2. Disconnect all electrical connections at starter, Fig. 1.
3. Remove starter motor support bracket to transaxle attaching bolts.
4. Remove starter motor attaching bolts and the starter motor.
5. Reverse procedure to install, torque starter motor retaining bolts to 23-34 ft.lbs.