ASSEMBLE1. Install output shaft needle bearing No. 9 in transmission case.
2. Install bearing support No. 7 needle bearing and direct clutch hub in direct clutch.
3. Install output shaft, ring gear, and direct clutch as an assembly.
4. Install governor drive ball and governor assembly.
5. Install governor retaining ring, ensuring that face of governor body is about flush with counterweight and cover attaching screws face toward case.
6. Install low-reverse band, ensuring band is seated on anchor pin. When properly installed, the center of the band actuating rod seat can be seen through the servo piston bore.
7. Install center support and planetary assembly, rotating output shaft as necessary to align planet carrier splines with direct clutch hub splines.
NOTE: Planet carrier and center support assembly cannot be installed unless the notch cut in the center support is aligned with the overdrive band anchor pin.
8. Install center support anti-clunk spring, ensuring tabs face outward.
9. Install center support retaining ring.
10. Determine correct length of low-reverse servo piston as follows:
a. Lubricate low-reverse piston seal.
b. Install low-reverse servo piston and return spring.
Installing Servo Piston Selection Tool:
c. Install servo piston selection tool T80L-77030-A or equivalent and torque band apply bolt on tool to 50 in lbs.
Determining Servo Piston Travel:
d. Install suitable dial indicator, positioning indicator stem on flat portion of piston, and zero dial indicator.
e. Thread bolt out of selector tool until piston stops against bottom of tool.
f. If dial indicator does not read 0.112-0.237 inch, select proper rod to bring travel within specifications. Replacement rods are available in lengths of 2.936, 2.989, and 3.043 inches as measured from piston surface to end of rod.
g. Lubricate cover seal.
h. Remove selection tool and dial indicator and install servo cover and retaining ring.
11. Install reverse clutch on forward clutch, ensuring No. 2 thrust washer or needle bearing is in position.
12. Install No. 3 needle bearing and forward clutch hub in forward clutch.
13. Position No. 4 needle bearing on forward clutch hub and install drive shell.
14. Install No. 5 needle bearing and forward sun gear on drive shell.
15. Install drive shell, forward clutch, and reverse clutch as an assembly, rotating output shaft, if necessary, to engage sun gear with planetary gears.
16. Install overdrive band ensuring band anchor is properly positioned on anchor pin.
Installing Overdrive Servo:
17. Lubricate overdrive servo cover seals and install overdrive servo.
18. Inspect apply pin and band for proper position and engagement. If improperly engaged, remove servo and reposition band as necessary.
19. Install intermediate clutch pack components; pressure plate, clutch pack, and selective steel plate in that order.
Measuring Intermediate Clutch Clearance:
20. Measure intermediate clutch clearance, then rotate 180° and measure again to obtain average depth at intermediate clutch separator plate. Maintain downward pressure on clutch pack while measuring clearance.
21. If average depth is not 1.629-1.640 inches for 3.8L engine applications or 1.634-1.646 inches for other applications, install correct separator plate and recheck clearance. Selective steel separator plates are available in inch thicknesses of 0.067 -0.071, 0.077-0.081, 0.087-0.091, and 0.097-0.101.
Measuring Depth At Reverse Clutch Drum Thrust Face:
Selective Thrust Washer Application Chart:
22. Measure depth at reverse clutch drum thrust face, then measure again 180° opposite to obtain average measurement. Determine selective thrust washer required from the Selective Thrust Washer Application Chart.
23. Install thrust washer selected in step 22 on pump, retaining with petroleum jelly.
Installing Pump Alignment Dowel:
24. Install pump alignment dowel fabricated by removing head from M8 X 1.25 bolt, as shown in the Installing Pump Alignment Dowel image, installing only a few threads deep.
25. Install new pump gasket.
Installing Pump Assembly In Case:
26. Using suitable tools, lower pump assembly into case, ensuring alignment dowel is properly positioned.
27. Remove alignment dowel and install pump attaching bolts, torquing alternately a few turns at a time.
NOTE: Clean attaching bolts with wire brush and apply suitable locking compound on thread.
28. Assemble 3-4 accumulator. Install piston, and spring if equipped, lubricate rubber seal on cover and the top of the bore, then install cover.
NOTE: After assembly, cover must be fully up and seated against retaining ring. Use air pressure as necessary to seat cover.
29. Assemble 2-3 accumulator.
Installing Alignment Pins In Case:
30. Install valve body guide pins T80L-77100-A or equivalents.
31. Install valve body gasket and valve body assembly over pins ensuring manual and throttle valves are properly positioned.
32. Loosely install valve body attaching bolts, then, starting at center and working outward, torque attaching bolts.
33. Remove alignment pins and install bolts and the detent spring and roller assembly, torquing bolts.
34. Position TV lever torsion spring against separator plate V-notch.
35. Install filter grommet.
36. Install filter gasket and filter on valve body, using new filter as necessary.
37. Install and torque filter attaching bolts.
38. Position new pan gasket and install oil pan, torquing attaching bolts.
39. Position new gasket and install extension housing, torquing attaching bolts.
40. Install direct driveshaft.
41. Install torque converter, ensuring converter is fully seated in pump.