Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Steering: Service and Repair

Should it be necessary to replace an inoperative power steering pump when fluid contamination could have occurred, flushing the steering gear is required when installing the repaired pump.
1. Raise and support vehicle so that front wheels are free to turn.
2. Place the fluid return line from the gear in a suitable container and plug the reservoir return tube.
3. Fill the reservoir with Premium Power Steering Fluid part No. E6AZ-19582-AA (ESW-M2C23-F) or equivalent.
4. Disconnect the coil wire to prevent the engine from starting.
5. While approximately two quarts of the steering fluid are being poured into the reservoir, crank the engine.
6. As soon as all the fluid has been poured in, turn ignition Off.
7. Attach the pressure hose at the gear.
8. Check the reservoir fluid level.
9. Crank the engine and continue adding fluid until the level remains constant, then lower the vehicle and connect coil wire.
10. Start the engine and cycle steering wheel from stop to stop to expel any air from the system.