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VACUUM DUMP VALVE - A valve that mechanically releases the vacuum from the servo when the brake pedal is depressed.

VACUUM SOLENOID VALVE - An electrically operated vacuum on and off valve similar in operation to a relay.

VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR - Device mounted on the transmission or speedometer cable that is responsible for monitoring vehicle speed and passing the information on to the speed control amplifier or EEC IV module.

VOLT - The unit of measurement for the force or pressure of a flow of electricity.

VOLTAGE - The electrical pressure which causes current to flow in a circuit.

VOLTAGE APPLIED - The actual voltage read at a given point in a circuit. It equals the available voltage of the power supply minus the losses in the circuit up to that point.

VOLTAGE AVAILABLE - The voltage delivered by the power supply (battery, alternator, generator, etc.).

VOLTAGE DIVIDER - Two or more resistances connected in series form a voltage divider network. When current flows the voltage divides itself across the resistances.

VOLTAGE DROP - A lowering of the voltage in a circuit when resistance, or electrical load, is added.

VOLTAGE REGULATOR - An electrical device that prevents excessive voltage on, or overcharge of, the battery by the generator or alternator.

VOLTMETER - An instrument used to measure the voltage in an electrical circuit.

VOLT-OHM-METER (VOM) - Combination meter used to measure voltage and resistance (ohms). They are available in both analog (measures by needle movement) or digital (measures by a numeric display). May be referred to as an AVOM (analog) or DVOM (digital).

VREF - Abbreviation for reference voltage.